If you’ve had a recent portrait session, you may have noticed that my mid section is looking a little rounder these days. We have a little piece of news: we’re expecting a little guy this spring. (Thanks for the t-shirt mom- it’s always good to clarify)

What this means for spring sessions: I will be taking all of April and May off for maternity leave, and possible the last week or two of March. So, if you are thinking spring for your next portrait session, you’ll want to
schedule your March and June sessions now. My spring calendar is starting to fill up, so the sooner you contact me, the better the chance you’ll get the date you need. This is especially important for my “Baby’s First Year” portrait packages if your 6 month or 12 month sessions fall around this time.
And one last thing- I’ll be out of the office through Sunday, so please be patient with emails this week. 🙂
Okay, on to the fun stuff- photography! Here’s a few of this Mercer Island cutie. His one-year portraits were a whirlwind- they always keep me running at this age. 🙂

Wishing everyone a very happy New Year!!
Congratulations Kristen! Can’t wait to see pictures of your little one!