Here she is a few months ago…
She’s growing fast! I couldn’t believe it was already time to do a 1-year/Easter session!
As cute as ever, huh?!
and I loved her smile…
and those eyes!!
… and look at those cute little baby teeth!
Simply beautiful.Such a doll! Thanks J and N for thinking of me- it was great to see you all again! 🙂
In case anyone was wondering, these were taken at the Japanese Garden at the Washington Park Arboretum (near Seattle’s U-District)
What a great collection of new photos of Molly! I love all of them, but in the third one in this series, you captured Molly just as I see her in my mind’s eye.
Thank you for all your work to take and sort these pictures. We’ll treasure them for years to come.
Molly’s mom and dad