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Oh Whitney, you are such a knock out.  Throw your cute boy in the mix, and it just doesn’t get any more adorable.  SOOO happy for you guys, and SOOO excited to shoot your wedding.  I am loving 2011 more and more…

Rad and Engaged.


Seattle wedding photographer at Discovery Park with engaged couple.

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Oh Whitney, you are such a knock out.  Throw your cute boy in the mix, and it just doesn’t get any more adorable.  SOOO happy for you guys, and SOOO excited to shoot your wedding.  I am loving 2011 more and more…

Rad and Engaged.


Seattle wedding photographer at Discovery Park with engaged couple.

Aren’t they cuuuuuute?!  Krista and Phil are getting married next Fall in Colorado.  Krista is a creative type (photog!) and Phil is a tech-man.  They are adorable together.  Like, oozing-chemistry-out-of-their-giddy-smiles adorable.  I seriously love that. We laughed and laughed as we ran around Seattle’s Fremont neighbor hood for their engagement portraits.  Fremont has little hidden […]

Seattle Engagement Session: Krista + Phil


seattle engagement portraits in Seattle's fremont neighborhood.

I LOVE working with high school seniors.  LOOOOVE!  And Haley was no exception.  Isn’t she gorgeous?!  I had so much fun running around with her.  Haley is most definitely going to do something amazing with her life- I can’t wait to see what life brings her way.  Haley, thank you for the fun afternoon- happy […]

High School Senior Portraits: Haley


seattle high school senior smiles for her senior portraits