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The only down side to being a photographer- you’re never in your own family pictures.  Luckily, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law also have mad camera skills, so a family photo swap was the perfect solution.  Not to mention, a good reminder for me on what it’s like to be on the other side of the camera.  […]

Seattle Washington Family Pictures: My own family pictures


featured post

The only down side to being a photographer- you’re never in your own family pictures.  Luckily, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law also have mad camera skills, so a family photo swap was the perfect solution.  Not to mention, a good reminder for me on what it’s like to be on the other side of the camera.  […]

Seattle Washington Family Pictures: My own family pictures


I met up with the sweet Amanda and her man, Chris for a gorgeous evening at Alki Beach.  They brought their ‘fur baby’ for a few pics too…. …but he wasn’t really feeling my camera.  🙂 Luckily, Amanda and Chris didn’t have any trouble in front of the camera- how cute are they?! So excited […]

Seattle Engagement Portraits: Amanda and Chris


Mill Creek gave us some gorgeous light and awesome weather for Ellen’s senior portraits.  I had such a fun time- I loooove working with high school seniors.  And Ellen is not only incredibly sweet, she’s also a knock out. Can you believe those eyes?!  stellar.  🙂  Best of luck with your senior year, Ellen.  SO […]

Mill Creek Highschool Senior Portraits: Ellen