open post

I’m a girl who appreciates a little sparkle, so I absolutely loved all the glittery details from Tiffany and Grant’s wedding.  It was pouring outside, but the inside was gleaming with all the delightful touches of silver and gold perfection.   Sparkly monograms, gold Toms, slip-covered chairs, and thoughtful touches of bling throughout. Yes, please. And […]

Seattle Wedding at The Edgewater Hotel: Tiffany + Grant


rain drops at The Edgewater

featured post

I’m a girl who appreciates a little sparkle, so I absolutely loved all the glittery details from Tiffany and Grant’s wedding.  It was pouring outside, but the inside was gleaming with all the delightful touches of silver and gold perfection.   Sparkly monograms, gold Toms, slip-covered chairs, and thoughtful touches of bling throughout. Yes, please. And […]

Seattle Wedding at The Edgewater Hotel: Tiffany + Grant


rain drops at The Edgewater

I had the itch to shoot at night- Seattle is such a pretty city all lit up after dark.  I threw out a last minute call for volunteers on my facebook page, and Kelsey was the first one to dial my number.  THANK YOU!  I met Kelsey at her sister’s super fun wedding in Spokane, […]

Seattle Night Portrait Session


Kristen Honeycutt seattle engagement session in the dark

Wow!  You guys are awesome!  It was SO much fun hearing from everyone!  Comments make my day, so you made my day 300 times this week.  🙂 It was sooooooo close.  Like, crazy close.  I had to count them three times to make sure.  But after all the votes were tallied, Megan and Mike (#16) are walking home […]

And the winner is…
