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Happy Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Fontes. And have an even happier honeymoon.  🙂 -KH

The Canal {Seattle Wedding Teasers}


featured post

Happy Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Fontes. And have an even happier honeymoon.  🙂 -KH

The Canal {Seattle Wedding Teasers}


I’m behind on my email, late with my blogging, and deprived of sleep… BUT I have had some amazing holiday session this month, almost have my new office space put together, I’ve been doing a TON of Christmas cards, and I’ve got some awesome new products lined up for 2010!  Love it. … and check […]

Seattle Baby Photographer: Fall Tutus


So quick update- I’m a little behind on my email.  In an effort to get every one’s pictures out, the inbox is suffering a tad.  Thanks so much for your patience- and I promise that you’ll be hearing from me shortly.  🙂 I’ve got soo much to blog- there are weddings, babies, engagement and family […]

Seattle Washington Engagement Session: Pamela and Sean