This session was a blast. These guys are such a fun couple, and *so* in love. They totally trusted me and were up for anything… and when your photographer’s laying down in alleys to get the shot, sometimes you wonder, hehe. (Don’t worry people, I took a very hot shower when I got home)
You can hear the gentleman below on my most favorite old school radio station, Movin’ 92.5. If you are in the Seattle area, you have to tune it- we’re talking New Kids on the Block, Coolio, Boys II Men, TLC…. I love it. Listen to Maynard from 10am-2pm. You’ll be boppin’ your head and reliving your school days in no time. 🙂

These two definitely have chemistry!

Could they be anymore stunning??

I absolutely love his expression here. 🙂

I love capturing those “real” smiles- she has a gorgeous one.

Their wedding is just around the corner. Congratulations you two!!! You are going to make one hot bride and groom. 🙂
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