open post

…with a fresh blog and logo.  Like?  This blog has been sitting collecting dust for months, and I finally found the time to put on the finishing touches and get her live.  Take a minute to look around, click buttons, and please let me know if anything isn’t working quite right. June 10th I will […]

I’m back!…


featured post

…with a fresh blog and logo.  Like?  This blog has been sitting collecting dust for months, and I finally found the time to put on the finishing touches and get her live.  Take a minute to look around, click buttons, and please let me know if anything isn’t working quite right. June 10th I will […]

I’m back!…


So I’m a big fan of wedding albums, and it’s my professional and personal opinion that every bride and groom should have one. This one in particular: Why? Because they are the end result of one of the most meaningful days of your lives. Think about it- you’ve been planning every little last detail for […]

The Wedding Album


I got my baby girl fix. 🙂My good friend had her baby just 11 days after me, and they finally had their first play date. I just had to take a break from shooting my own little guy and do her newborn portraits. 10 days old, and such a princess. She’ll make her mama proud.

Seattle Washington Newborn Portraits: Little Bella