Seattle Washington Baby Photographer: Troy’s 1 Year Portraits

Love these guys!  I’ve been following this guy from the beginning- remember him here?… and big sister’s shoot here?  Well it was T’s turn again- can’t believe he’s already a year old!  He had me crackin’ up the entire time at the Sculpture Park.  This kiddo is so full of personality it kills me.  See the photo on the left?  Every time Dad would bring out the football, he’d start twirling his ankles and squeezing his hands in excitement.  SWEETEST.  THING. EVER.troy2-1

I want a picture of my own little guy just like this one.  I love that scrunched nose!troy3-3

Hello handsome.troy3-1

Aren’t they the cutest family?


P family- ALWAYS a pleasure seeing you!  Thanks for the fun time!

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