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I’m running out the door, but I wanted to quick get some of these up for mom.  We met up at Heritage Park in Kirkland for Lily’s 6 month session.  Remember her HERE?  I just drooled over all of her ruffles and frills- I can’t imagine the credit card debt I would ring up shopping […]

Kirkland Washington Baby Portraits: Lily’s 6 Month Session


featured post

I’m running out the door, but I wanted to quick get some of these up for mom.  We met up at Heritage Park in Kirkland for Lily’s 6 month session.  Remember her HERE?  I just drooled over all of her ruffles and frills- I can’t imagine the credit card debt I would ring up shopping […]

Kirkland Washington Baby Portraits: Lily’s 6 Month Session


Leslie and Tim… you make one adorable twosome. I met up with them at Discovery Park on a cloudy Seattle day for their engagement portraits.  The sailboats were out, we had a cool breeze, and the lighthouse was chuck full of country charm… And Leslie in those cowboy boots and cotton sundress?!  It couldn’t have […]

Seattle Washington Engagement Portraits: Leslie and Tim


Love these. Remember those “old” guestbooks with the lined pages?  (The ones you’d probably never look at after your wedding day.)  Well here’s a modern and fresh twist on a tired tradition- The Engagement Guest Book.  It’s a stylish coffee table book that does double duty;  It not only shows off all of your stunning […]

Kristen Honeycutt Wedding Photographer: The Engagement Guest Book
